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A dental extraction is the removal of a single tooth or multiple teeth. It is necessary when a damaged tooth causes pain and discomfort, impairing the standard oral functions. An individual in Houston, TX may also need a tooth extraction during regular procedures, such as placing an implant-supported tooth/crown or denture. Periodontal and Implant Surgeons of Houston can provide an experts’ team to help you understand tooth extractions in detail.

Potential Reasons For An Extraction Procedure

Extraction is recommended in cases of damage and decay of the tooth. A damaged or decayed tooth can put the gums at the risk of acquiring an infection. The decayed tooth can be extracted and immediately replaced with a dental implant in select cases.

As we grow up, our teeth can become crowded if all four wisdom teeth have erupted. It causes them to overlap, leading to chewing and biting problems. An extraction procedure is recommended to avoid damage to other teeth. This also prepares the mouth for orthodontia, the alignment of teeth.

An existing oral issue, such as periodontal disease, destroys the teeth supporting structures. This leads to the loosening of the teeth. Loose teeth cause pain and discomfort when biting and chewing and need an extraction.

Types Of Extraction And Their Procedures

A dental extraction can be simple or surgical, depending on the requirement of the patient. A simple extraction procedure is done when the tooth to be extracted is visible and easy to access. When performing a simple extraction, the patient is anesthetized, and an elevator is used to loosen the tooth. The loosened tooth is then pulled out by using forceps.

A surgical extraction is done when there is a risk of infection because of tooth decay. The individual is given IV sedation or local anesthesia, depending on their situation. The procedure begins through a gum incision. The damaged tooth is then removed, and if necessary, the bone tissue surrounding the tooth may also be removed.

Aftercare Of An Extraction Procedure

After getting an extraction, the individual should follow essential care steps for effective healing and recovery. These include quitting activities like smoking, which slows down the healing process.

Suction activities like drinking through straws should be avoided as it can disrupt the healing of the tissue. Hard and chewy foods are also to be avoided till the gum tissue heals completely.

Proper oral hygiene should be followed, including brushing your teeth twice and flossing them once every day. Avoid touching the gum tissue, where the extraction was performed, while brushing to prevent damage to the tissue and rinse it using clean water.

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Risks Of Tooth Extraction

Although it is a risk-free procedure, there are a few incidents where visiting a dentist is compulsory. After getting an extraction, a blood clot forms in the socket for healing purposes. If the clot dislodges, the underlying bone is exposed, leading to a condition called “Dry Socket”. If this happens, the dentist protects the area by using sedatives and dressings. Other risk factors requiring attention include bleeding for more than twelve hours, fevers and chills, nausea and vomiting, cough, chest pain and shortness of breath, and swelling with redness on the extraction site.

Our periodontists in Houston are able to provide tooth extractions when patients need that care. If you have any concerns or questions, we at Periodontal and Implant Surgeons of Houston can be reached through (713) 785-9599 and online for further information on dental extractions. Contact us today so we can assist you.