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Medically Reviewed By Periodontal & Implant Surgeons of Houston
14 October 2024
Home » Gum Care » Esthetic Crown Lengthening and Gum Grafting: A Comparison

Your smile is one of the first things others notice. Having a smile that appears either too “toothy” or “gummy” can affect your self-esteem and whether you show your teeth. Fortunately, esthetic crown lengthening and gum grafting can create better balance and help you achieve a smile you love to share with others.

Optimizing the Appearance and Health of Your Smile

Several factors can impact the appearance of your smile. Both oral health and genetics can play a role in the shape of your gumline and how much gum tissue you have. If you have too much or too little, it can be problematic. A periodontist can evaluate your teeth and gums to recommend esthetic crown lengthening, gum grafting, or a combination of both procedures to create a well-balanced smile.

How Can Gum Grafting Help?

Gum recession occurs when the gum tissue pulls away from the teeth, potentially exposing the tooth roots and leaving more of the tooth surface visible. It may appear as though some teeth are larger than others or abnormally long. This condition can develop due to gum disease, genetics, aging, or even aggressive brushing.

As the gum recedes, it can increase the risk of infection because it is easier for bacteria and plaque to slip below the gumline. Your teeth may also feel loose because they have less support from the gums to hold them firmly in place.

Gum grafting is a process in which healthy gum tissue is transplanted from the palate of your mouth to areas where recession has occurred to restore lost tissue volume. Your periodontist carefully sutures the new tissue to cover the roots and reduce the amount of visible tooth surface.

How Can Esthetic Crown Lengthening Help?

It is also possible to have too much gum tissue. Not only does excess gum tissue cause your teeth to look smaller than normal, but excess tissue may also create deep pockets between the teeth and the gums where food particles and bacteria can become trapped, leading to gum disease.

Esthetic crown lengthening is a process in which excess tissue is precisely trimmed and removed so that more of your tooth is visible. It recontours your gumline to improve aesthetic balance while also reducing the size of the pockets around your teeth. Rather than an overly “gummy” appearance, there is greater consistency in the size and shape of your teeth.

In some cases, you may benefit from both gum grafting and esthetic crown lengthening, depending on the shape of your gumline. Your periodontist may remove excess tissue from certain areas while adding it in others to improve symmetry.

Learn More About Gingival Contouring Options

If you have an uneven gumline that keeps you from proudly showing off your smile, you may benefit from gingival contouring. At Periodontal and Implants Surgeons of Houston, our team of periodontists offers a variety of procedures to help you achieve the smile you desire. We invite you to learn more about gum grafting and esthetic crown lengthening.