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Medically Reviewed By Periodontal & Implant Surgeons of Houston
1 November 2022
Home » Uncategorized » Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Gum Re-contouring?

If your smile is not making you happy or is uneven due to too many teeth covering the gums then you need cosmetic dentistry, Gum contouring will help balance uneven gum lines so that you will have an attractive smile.

Gum Contouring

Local anesthesia is administered when the dentist is doing gum contouring. The gum line is reshaped by the use of tools such as lasers and scalpels. The cosmetic dentist examines to determine if the procedure will affect you in any way. The dentist will also identify if you are a candidate for gum contouring.

Who Is a Candidate?

You will be considered to be a candidate for gum contouring especially if you have a gummy smile. If there is an overgrowth of gum tissue you will have a gummy smile. A gummy smile is also brought about by natural jaw positioning. Gum contouring removes all the excessive gums that are surrounding the teeth and this is to expose more of the teeth. This will make you have an attractive smile and one that you are confident about even in public. Gum contouring will make the teeth appear longer and larger, make the gum line appear even, and even remove discolored gums.

Gum contouring will make you appear brighter and attractive; the cosmetic dentist will teach you things to avoid after having the contouring procedure. The dentist will give you tips on maintaining that healthy and beautiful smile and on how to maintain optimal oral care.